It seems that you too have been a victim of incompetence - like Fadeaway 1962. It is jaw dropping for me to read of your account wherein you were told that the BoE would have taken care of it.
One of the differences between professionals in care, medicine, law etc, is that they will readily acknowledge if they are not the appropriate skill mix to get involved in an issue, and refer you to where you would obtain and benefit from the needed expertise. You seemed to have so benefitted from the expertise of police and courts, and your ex-wife will hopefully have learned something as a result of the response cost.
In that the BoE so readily opine that they could have taken care of things may be evidence that they "... think more of... [themselves] than..." is necessary and grossly overestimate their abilities. The institution as a whole seems very adverse to sign-pointing individuals to the requisite expertise needed. In that this is so, they probably jeopardise the welfare of many who are experiencing difficulties of one sort or another. They (WT) have much to answer for!